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February 19, 2010


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Patricia Gaffney  and Charles Gaffney

I would like to share with you my two miraculous miracles that happened in my lifetime a mother of eight children my twenty two year old son who overcame drug addiction with the intervention of pray through his dying aunt's prayers he flatlined twice and was brought back last year and his miraculous very severe car accident just two months ago his car was totaled it flipped numerous times after being cut off on a major highway hitting a tree and then flipping over numerous times he blacked out and climbed out of his car with just a broken nose and 10 stitches on his forehead and eyelid , the cop on the scene said that it was a miracle he was alive and he survived it and the tow truck driver who towed the car away could not believe in all the years he has been towing anyone walking away from his severity of an accident with no seatbelt on. We believe his gaurdian angels protected him and cradled him in his time of need ,my husband and I are in awe of the miracles and have been truly blessed to have our son with us alive and well.His life has changed as did his spirit and we truly believe in divine intervention and know our lord and savior JESUS is alive and well and living among us Humble regards Mrs Patricia Gaffney Selden LI NY

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