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August 16, 2010


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Richard Dawkins

You're such a coward that you had to delete my comments... Nut up and repost it back if you really have your god on your side... or are you such a little baby that you can't handle some criticism


Richard, I did try to respond to your comments, but apparently your e-mail address does not work. I am open to having an intelligent conversation with you, but name calling and foul language will not be tolerated on this site. That is why I deleted your little tirade. If you want to correspond, please provide a valid e-mail address, and I will happily try to answer your questions.

Richard Dawkins

I don't recall ever calling you names, and I apologize for the language. I don't make a habit of giving out my email address, and as you responded here, you obviously don't need it.

Why don't you repost my comment without the offending words removed?



I accept your apology for the foul language. Regarding the name calling, you don't remember calling me a "coward," "baby" and "hypocritical a**?" My how short your memory is. You're the one using a pseudonym and bogus e-mail address, and you're calling me a coward? Seriously? With the first impressions you give, I'm not surprised you wouldn't want to let anyone know who you are! If you really are man enough to "nut up" and let me know who you really are, and then we can have an intelligent and civil dialogue. Until then, there will be no further reply from me. I have no time for haters.

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