On this episode of Divine Intervention, we welcome missionary to Fortaleza, Brazil, Alex Piagetti.
This episode will demonstrate how a person can change from having a criminal mind, to having the mind of Christ. Alex shares his gripping story of going from a crime and drug-filled youth, that involved burglary, robbery, drug trafficking and violence, to ending up in prison in Miami. It was behind bars that Alex was finally set free when through a series of divine interventions, he met his Lord and Savior Jesus while serving a 15 year sentence for drug trafficking and conspiracy to traffic cocaine. The Holy Spirit started teaching him the Bible, and while attending a Kairos weekend in prison, a couple from Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale stood out to him from among the 50 different churches attending. He saw them as walking Biblical characters.
Alex and his family have now been attending Calvary Chapel Miami Beach for 10 ½ years, and he has served as an usher and has hosted Bible studies in his home for 7 years. He has been leading missions trip to Brazil for the past 3 ½ years. Alex is now being ordained as a Calvary Chapel Pastor. He and his family are moving to Brazil in the summer of 2011 to be a full time missionaries, working with the children of the slums in the north east region of Brazil. Through his ministry, For the Children, Brazil, they plan to disciple the children and their parents to a closer walk with Jesus and also to plant churches in those communities.
Click the links below to listen to this gripping tale of drama and transformation through the Love of Jesus!
Download DI # 109 Alex Piagetti FULL SHOW