Hi friends,
I recently had the honor of being the guest of Jason Dezurik of World View Warriors on his radio show, "Do Not Keep Silent." This show is a ministry/music show that airs in Ohio and Georgia. Jason was a wonderful host, and we had a great time talking about Jesus, miracles and Divine Interventions. I shared my story of being miraculously healed of chronic back pain at a prayer meeting in 2001, then being healed of a massive cancerous tumor a year later. We talked about how God used my illness and healings to lead me into creating the Divine Intervention radio show and book series. I also got to share the miracle testimonies of some of my friends who are featured in my books, like Pastor Charlie Pitts, who survived jumping out of an airplane and his parachutes failing to deploy, and Fred Klemm, who experienced a severe jet ski accident and saw Jesus in a vision while in a coma, and made a miraculous recovery that defied medical odds. God is good!
Click the link below to listen to this encouraging and faith-building show!