Hi friend,
Have you ever wondered what the pre-flood world was like? How old is the earth? Is there evidence to support the idea that men and dinosaurs lived at the same time, as the Bible teaches? Can you believe in "millions of years of evolution" and still be a consistent Christian? Is it really possible that the patriarchs of the old testament lived over 900 years? Why don't people live that long nowadays? We tackle all these questions and more with our special guest, Dr. Carl Baugh. He is the Founder and Director of the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. He is the scientific research director for the world's first hyperbaric biosphere, the discoverer and excavation director of 14 dinosaurs, the author of several books and publisher of many scientific papers. Click the links below to listen to this inspiring and informative interview with Dr. Carl Baugh!
Download DI # 177 Carl Baugh FULL SHOW
Download DI # 177 Carl Baugh pt 1
Download DI # 177 Carl Baugh pt 2