Hi all,
On this episode of Divine Intervention we are joined by Dr. Tom Renfro. Tom is a medical doctor (internist) from Norton, VA. He shares the amazing story how he miraculously recovered from mantle cell lymphoma, a particularly deadly form of cancer. Doctors gave him little hope and had no ideas as to an effective treatment for him. With tumors all over his body, and not much time to live, Dr. Tom's story is a wonderful example of what can happen when a community comes together and prays, and when people believe God's Word.
Dr. Tom Renfro approximately 7 weeks before his healing, his face and body riddled with cancer and tumors.
Dr. Tom Renfro after his healing.
Click the links below to listen to this powerful testimony of God's faithfulness and healing power in Dr. Renfro's life!
Download DI # 129 Tom Renfro FULL SHOW
I was also healed of Mantel Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. I have been in remission for a 1 1/2 years. I did not do chemo or radiation. I was led to Dr. Burzynski where he uses targeted gene therapy. He was a tool in God's hand. My local oncologist was also involved.
I believe in miracles!
Posted by: Margaret Manning | July 08, 2012 at 02:38 AM
My 55 yr. old brother has mantle cell lymphoma. Would you recommend Dr. Burzynski's program over the chemo treatments and what can you tel me about his program. Thanks
Posted by: Dominic Fama | April 02, 2013 at 10:43 AM